Our Lenten Series

On January 23, Episcopalians from all over the country gathered in theaters to watch A Case for Love, including a large group from Epiphany. Based on the writings of Bishop Michael Curry, the film makes the case that unselfish love, a love that crosses the boundaries of religion, race, sexual orientation, and class, has the power to heal the divisions everyone is experiencing. It “asks what unselfish [radical] love looks like in today’s world, at a time when division, estrangement, and hatred seem to be as strong as ever. The 13 stories in the movie invite us on a personal journey, reflecting on ways in which we may experience sacrificial love, and then embody it for others in our lives, communities, and the world.”
It was an invitation to an ongoing journey. The producers have provided a journal and a study guide. For Lent this year we are suggesting that rather than giving something up, we as a church take something on – specifically, the journal. Start the journal now. Our Lenten series will be based on the study guide. You are invited to observe and note, not only what unselfish acts of love you do, but what you see around you, and the effects of unselfish love on yourself and others. It is not necessary to have seen the movie. Rev. Jamie was “so moved by the film and the reaction and the message was so powerful that other ideas for a Lenten study and practice seemed less important.”We will also have some hard copies of the journal available.
Watch the trailer