Serving the Church
We have many ways that you can be involved in the worship service itself – from preparing the altar or flowers before, greeting members, participating in the service as a reader, LEM, oblationer or acolyte, to serving the coffee and donuts afterwards. Then, of course, there is pastoral care to any parishioner in need. Read about them below!
If you would like to make a difference by volunteering with any of the ministries listed below, please contact the church office at (818) 991-4797 or send an email to i[email protected].
Altar Guild
Members prepare all that is necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments of the church.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
A Lay Eucharistic Minister assists the clergy during liturgical services
Lectors/Lay Readers
Lay readers read the scripture lessons from the Old and New Testament during the service.
Pastoral Care Team
The Pastoral Care Team cares for parishioners who may be sick, recovering from surgery, or experiencing other life changes.