Interfaith Ministry

Interfaith Ministry Mission Statement
To involve members of The Church of the Epiphany in the sharing of traditions among people of various faiths and cultures, in order to deepen and broaden mutual understanding. To offer education and service opportunities that encourage and promote fairness and empathy through our actions, leading to a more harmonious society.
Our Guiding Principle
Our guiding principle is essentially the ancient principle of the Golden Rule, which applies to people of all faiths: to treat all with kindness, compassion, and respect, as we would like to be treated. We believe this aligns with the directive contained within our church’s Mission Statement: “to serve the world with gratitude, humility, and courage.”
How We Achieve our Goals
– By participating in local cultural and faith-based educational programs; by welcoming interfaith guest speakers to Epiphany; and by making The Church of the Epiphany available to present our Episcopal faith to others.
– By promoting attendance at community interfaith celebrations, such as the annual Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, and Open Mosque Day.
By joining with community-based interfaith non-profits such as Conejo Valley Interfaith Community (CVIC), Conejo Valley Refugee Team, and Women’s Interfaith Network (WIN) to participate in targeted interfaith service projects.
Would you like to participate or just learn more? Contact Interfaith Ministry co-chair, Aggie Winston at 805-807-5001 orΒ [email protected] or Kerrie Sadler at [email protected].