Outreach – Serving Others
In response to the grace and love we have been given in Christ, we seek to serve our neighbors. Our commitment is to provide opportunities for The Church of The Epiphany to reach out locally, nationally and globally so that we may grow, mature and become more fully the people Christ calls us to be. We pledge to be careful, open and willing stewards.

Conejo Compassion Coalition
Conejo Compassion Coalition provides people who care deeply about the plight of the poor avenues to become a part of the solution
Harbor House
Harbor House hopes to contribute to the building of a just community where all people are included.
Laundry Love
Laundry Love is a nationwide program that assists low-income families and individuals in doing their laundry.
Episcopal Relief & Development
Epiphany is proud to support the Episcopal Relief & Development fund and Holy Family Services.
The Episcopal Church in Navajoland
Epiphany donates to help our friends on the reservation in the Episcopal Church in Navajoland.